Creation of a promotional video for the brand of precious stones watches MYKU showing several products of the brand as well as the original materials in a video “teaser” revealing the details of the product thanks to different plays of light added to the editing.
The use of the AfterEffect software and the 3D camera element allowed the creation of an aesthetic and in-depth visual giving the impression of moving forward in a space presenting the products and materials in a unique environment and adapted to each of the precious stones and their colors for each of the product ranges.

Several visual techniques therefore had to be used during the editing of the video in a very detailed and precise manner for a fluid, natural and professional result.
The footage of the watches and gemstones was shot by Cityshake Limited and sent to me for the making and design of the video.
The understanding and importance of lighting methods and light work in the creation of a video and/or photo for the presentation of a physical product are the most important and contributing elements to the aesthetics and quality of this video.